An Internet "discussion group" (sometimes called a "mailing list") allows people to share information with others who have a common interest. The JHardy-L group is handled by Yahoo Groups. Messages sent to the group are automatically sent to all subscribers who request e-mail distribution. It is also possible to read the messages via Yahoo Group's web interface. There is no cost to subscribe.
The home page for the JHardy-L group at Yahoo Groups is: is a good page to bookmark!
Since the JHardy-L group is "public," anyone may read the messages without registering or subscribing to the group.
If you subscribe by e-mail, you will receive a message back asking you to confirm your request. All you have to do is "reply" and "send" using your mail program.
You will need to register with Yahoo at the web site if you want to post from the web interface or use the extra features of Yahoo Groups.
Yahoo Groups does not charge group owners or users. They make their money by putting an advertisement at the bottom of each message (at the top of digests). Usually they consist of 3 or 4 lines of text. I have been a subscriber to some Yahoo Groups discussion groups for over two years and find the ads unobtrusive, but of course "your mileage may vary."
Yahoo Groups' privacy policy is at
In the web interface, e-mail addresses are partially hidden to protect the e-mail senders' identities from spammers. It is still possible, however, to reply an individual who posted a message; you just won't know what the poster's e-mail address is (unless he or she e-mails you back).
The group is set up to discard any attachments; however, the plain-text part of the messages should go through. If a message doesn't go through, the sender will be notified.
Postings by new members are moderated. This is done to prevent spammers from joining the list and sending out undesired messages.
Using the web interface, you must be signed-in to Yahoo and you must be subscribed to JHardy-L in order to use features other than reading messages. And your browser must have cookies enabled in order for Yahoo Groups to recognize that you are signed-in as you move between pages.
If you have questions about the operation of Yahoo Groups, please refer to their web site.
If you have questions about the set-up of the JHardy-L group,
please e-mail me at r m u r a s p a m c o p . n e t. If you
have questions or problems regarding your Yahoo account, you will need to
contact Yahoo support, as I do not have access to the account
information of others.
Ron Mura